Thursday, February 12, 2009

Big Tobacco Tortures Animals!!!

for years, Big Tobacco has funded pointless experiments on all kinds of animals.

these experiments include:
  • Cutting holes in beagles' throats through which the dogs are forced to breathe concentrated cigarette smoke for a year.

  • Inserting electrodes into dogs' penises to measure the effect of cigarette smoke on sexual performance.

  • Strapping masks to the faces of rats and monkeys and permanently restraining them to force them to breathe cigarette smoke constantly.
  • Forcing dogs to be on mechanical ventilators and chronically exposed to cigarette smoke.
  • Restraining Rhesus monkeys in chairs with head devices and exposing them to nicotine and caffeine to determine how caffeine and nicotine affect breathing.

or what about this:

For five years, pregnant monkeys at the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center (ORPRC) were kept in small, barren metal cages, their fetuses exposed to nicotine. Funded by the U.S. government, ORPRC experimenter Eliot Spindel acknowledged that "the deleterious effects of maternal smoking during pregnancy are all too well established." Part of this study involved killing the baby monkeys to dissect their lungs. All of which, was paid for with tax money.

    for more information, check out,

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